
The Notification component of Portos API uses SignalR to provide real-time updates to client applications.

System-defined events

Portos API triggers following system-defined events, which can be handled in client applications:

Receiving Events from Portos API

To receive events from the Portos API, the client application must follow these steps:

  1. Configure authentication when communicating with SignalR server.

  2. Register an event Handler: specify the client application method to invoke when a notification is sent from the Portos API.

  3. Start the connection to SignalR server.

  4. Subscribe to Events using the Subscribe method, so the Portos API will deliver notifications to the client application.

The code examples below uses JavaScript and Microsoft's SignalR library. You can install it using npm:

npm install @microsoft/signalr

Client authentication

When communicating with SignalR server, client application must be authenticated, as described in Authentication section. Obtained accces token must be used when communication with notification server.

const token = "YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN"; // Replace with your actual token
const serverAddress = "SERVER_ADDRESS"; // Replace with your actual server addess, e.g. http://localhost:3000

const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
    .withUrl(serverAddress + "/signalr/v1/mainHub", {
        accessTokenFactory: () => token

Register Event Handler

Use the connection.on method to subscribe to the notification events. When a notification is received, the callback function will be executed, and you can handle the notification (e.g., update the UI).

connection.on("OnEvent", function (message) {
    // Handle the notification (e.g., update UI)
    if (message.e == "portos.resources.changed") {
        // Resource has been changed
    } else if (message.e == "portos.licence.activated") {
        // Product license has been activated
        const newLicense = message.p;

The incoming notification is represented by Notification class, described below.







Example payload for resource changed notification:

  "e": "portos.resources.changed", // event name
  "s": { // sender who sends the notification
    "c": "connection-identifier",
    "u": {
      "u": "SYSTEM", // unique user name
      "d": "SYSTEM", // device name
      "f": null // feature name
  "r": null, // reference ID
  "ca": "2024-07-01T12:51:52.558Z", // created at
  "ea": null, // expires at
  "p": { // notification payload
    "u": { // user who performed action resulting in resource change
      "u": "999", // unique user name
      "d": "BackOffice", // device name
      "f": null // feature name
    "n": "tickets", // resource name
    "a": 1, // action (1 = created, 2 = updated, 3 = deleted)
    "i": { // resource info
      "i": "573f4511088c772684a738f8", // resource ID
      "n": "tickets", // resource name
      "v": 7 // resource version
    "r": [
      { ... }  // the ticket object

Start the connection

To start the connection, await the result of the start method call.

// Start the connection
await connection.start();

Subscribe to Events

To subscribe to Portos events, a client application must send a "Subscribe" message containing a payload with the subscription details. In the payload, the client application specifies which system-defined events to subscribe to.

Subscribe to Resource Changed Event

To subscribe to resource change events, your client application must set portos.resources.changed in the payload property's e (event name). Optionally, you can also specify a collection of resources. Please refer to the table below:



// Prepare the subscription payload
const subscriptionPayload = {
    e: "portos.resources.changed", // event name
    r: [ // optional collection of resources
            n: "devices", // resource name
            a: [ // optional collection of actions

// Send the 'Subscribe' message with the payload
await connection.invoke("Subscribe", subscriptionPayload);

Subscribe to License activated event

To subscribe to license activated event, your client application must set portos.licence.activated in the payload property e (event name).


// Prepare the subscription payload
const subscriptionPayload = {
    e: "portos.licence.activated" // event name

// Send the 'Subscribe' message with the payload
await connection.invoke("Subscribe", subscriptionPayload);

Unsubscribe from Events

To unsubscribe, invoke the Unsubscribe method with the same parameters used for event subscription.

// Prepare the same payload as for subscription
const payload = {
    e: "portos.licence.activated" // event name

// Send the 'Unsubscribe' message with the payload
await connection.invoke("Unsubscribe", payload);

Last updated