๐ŸššStock transfers

This page provides a description of the available API routes for managing stock transfers.

Stock transfer refers to an operation that alters the quantity of products within storage. Various types of stock transfers are defined, each tailored to a specific purpose: increasing, decreasing, or fixing inaccuracies in stock quantity.

  1. Income: This category signifies the purchase of goods from suppliers, leading to an increase in the stock quantity of the purchased items.

  2. Outcome: Applies when goods are withdrawn from storage due to reasons such as expiration, etc.

  3. Transfer: Relocation of goods from one stock location to another within the inventory.

  4. Sale: Comparable to an "outcome," the system generates this transfer type automatically once a ticket is closed. Each sale stock transfer is associated with a single corresponding ticket.

  5. Invoice: Similar to the "outcome" type, the "invoice" transfer may be used when goods are not directly sold through a cash register.

  6. Correction: Generated automatically by system after finalizing of stock-taking process (closing the stock taking). Its role is to fix inaccuracies in stock quantities that were not matched during the stock-taking phase. May contain both positive and negative stock quantity changes.

API methods

Get stock transfers

GET http://{server-address}/stocktransfers

Returns all stock transfers that matches query parameters. Result is of type QueryResult<StockTransfer>.

Query Parameters


Get stock transfer

GET http://{server-address}/stocktransfers/{id}

Result is of type StockTransfer.

Path Parameters


Create stock transfer

POST http://{server-address}/stocktransfers

Creates new stock transfer. Result is of type StockTransfer.

Required rights

Authorized user must have StockTransferCreate right assigned. If stock transfer is marked as closed, additional StockTransferClose right is required.


Request Body

Create or update stock transfer

PUT http://{server-address}/stocktransfers/{id}

Updates existing or creates new stock transfer. Result is of type StockTransfer.

Stock transfer marked as closed cannot be updated.

Required rights

Authorized user must have assigned StockTransferCreate or StockTransferUpdate right. If stock transfer is created by another user, additional StockTransferUpdateAny right is required. If stock transfer is marked as closed, additional StockTransferClose right is required.

Path Parameters


Request Body

Delete stock transfer

DELETE http://{server-address}/stocktransfers/{id}

Required rights

Authorized user must have StockTransferDelete right assigned.

Path Parameters


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